
Welcome to tagtale!

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(Insert Genius-ass Title Here)

Hey guys! How you doin’ ?

I know I’m a day late. But, I was really busy writing a book omg! She writes! Who knew!  and meeting my friends and other shit. I know that isn’t an excuse to miss my goal, but who cares!

Anyway, as I mentioned before I had gone out a few days ago to meet one of my best friends. I hadn’t met her in ages. We had so much fun. We watched a cricket match, went to take a walk, and threw rocks in the sea. It was a lot of fun.

At midnight, we had ice cream along with chocolate cupcakes, and I have to say,’Damn, those two go together like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. A match made in heaven.’

I hope y’all liked knowing about my day.

Until next month. Bye!!

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Recently,I went on the net and I discovered there are not a lot of tags to do via blog. I know I could post videos too, but my camera sucks.

Since then I’ve decided to discontinue my tag attempts and start doing other fun stuff. So, from now on I will post blogs about random stuff.

I may do tags IF I find some do-able one.

Meet you guys next month!!! Bye 😀

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The Common White Girl Tag

Heyyo! I’m gonna attempt the common white girl tag today. You can attempt this tag even if you’re not white… or a girl. But, the questions are such that guys may not be comfortable answering them. I don’t know. Do what you want. It’s your life.

Anyway, on to the questions.

1) Favourite starbucks drink? Um… the white chocolate mocha.

2) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About 10 minutes or so.

3) How many selfies do you take on a daily basis? Oh, I don’t know. I take selfies every second of the day. It’s hard to get a number. 2.

4) How many IG followers and pics do you have? I have 52 instagram followers and 22 pics.

5) Do you ever say “LOL” or “OMG” out loud? I mostly say both sarcastically.

6) Do you wear the same clothing item more than once? Duh.

7) Are you racist? What kind of question is this? Of course not. I love everyone unless they give me a reason not to!

8) How many tweets do you have? I have exactly 605 tweets. You can follow me on twitter. My username is @ drummergirl_28.

9) Instagram, Twitter, or Tumblr? Hands down, Instagram.

10) What do you spend most of your time doing? Watching youtube videos.

11) Who are your favorite youtubers? Smosh, nigahiga, pewdiepie, Connor Franta, Thatcher joe and Marcus Butler.

12) Are you a shopaholic? Nope! Not at all.

13) How many times have you watched Mean Girls? 1000+ times.

14) Do you own a lot of clothes? Sadly, yes. This makes it really hard to keep my wardrobe clean and tidy.

15) Do you take pictures of your food before you eat it? Whenever I cook, I take a picture of it and send it to my pals.

16) Do you wear makeup everyday? No. I wear makeup only when I have to attend a fancy event, like a party.

17) What are your average grades in school? I’m not a straight-A student. But I do get good grades most of the time.

18) How often do you paint your nails? Whenever I feel that my nail paint has started to chip off.

19) How do you usually style your hair? I usually tie my in a ponytail.

20) Do you always look presentable? Duh. If I feel like I look bad, I refuse to step out of the house.

Well, that’s it, guys. I hope after reading this y’all didn’t get bored of me. See y’all next month. Bye!!!

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Not a tag.

Hey guys! As the title implies, this is not a tag. I want y’all to answer the question that I will ask in the next paragraph.

I have a Nintendo DSi and recently I had updated it. After the update was complete, I played a game on it (Or I tried to play a game on it.) but, when I started the game, the only thing that came on the screen were the words ‘An error has occured. Please refer to the operation manual for details.’I started the game many a times but, the outcome was the same at all times.

So, I want to know if that happened to any of you. And if it did, how did y’all fix the problem? And most importantly, what was the problem?

Please let me know in the comments and don’t worry, I will attempt a tag soon, sometime during this month itself.

Until then, bye!!!


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Why The Oscars Do Not Matter, or: A Look Back at 1975

Very well said!

Hollywood in Retrospect


Voting has closed.  Price-Waterhouse is counting the ballots.  On Sunday night, we will find out who won the 86th annual Academy Awards.  On Monday, most people will forget who won, except for the people who make it their business to never forget (Harvey Weinstein, I’m looking at you.)  And given the hurt feelings, rivalries, and “How-the-fuck-could-they-ignore-XYZ-but-award-ABC” reactions that will become inevitable over time, I need to remind you guys of something really important:


That’s right.  You heard me.  I, the person who in fifth grade memorized every winner in just about all the major categories, am here to remind you all that these awards do not matter.  Sure, they matter in that it’s fun, and that getting them means you’ll be king/queen for a day, and you have a beautifully designed trophy to put on your mantle.  But seriously, whether or not the person…

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4 Phases Every Blogger Experiences

A Collection of Musings

Before my first post, I thought writing was all you needed to do to run a blog. Perhaps it is enough to run a blog, but it’s certainly not enough to run a successful blog. If you write more than 2 blog posts you will almost definitely enter phase 1.

Phase 1
It turns out it is no fun writing if there is nobody to read what you are saying. So you work on getting followers. You tell your friends. Some of them start reading your blog. Some of them wish they could have a conversation without you bringing up ‘that damn blog’. And others ask you about it regularly, but never actually read it.


Phase 2
Eventually you run out of friends to promote your blog to and you focus on finding strangers to read your work. Perhaps you start to follow other blogs and find like-minded bloggers. Or…

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The Too Much Information (TMI) Tag

So, this is my first post. Hopefully, I don’t screw it up.

Today, I am going to do the ‘Too Much Information’ or ‘TMI’ tag. Basically once you have been tagged you must complete all the 50 questions and then tag someone or someones if you please. Pretty easy, if you ask me.

So… Let’s get to it!!!

1.What are you wearing? I am wearing my plain white shorts with my yellow t-shirt.

2. Ever been in love? Nope.

3. Ever had a terrible break-up? Nuh-uh.

4. How tall are you? I’m guessing… around 4 feet 11 inches.

5. How much do you weigh? I have no idea.

6. Any tattoos? No.

7. Any piercings? Being a girl, I have both my ears pierced. So…

8. OTP (One True Pairing)? Percabeth!!!! (Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase) They are absolutely perfect! If you don’t agree you are welcome to die in hell.

9. Favorite show? How I met your mother, The big bang theory, Almost human, Switched at birth, Perception, etcetera, etcetera.

10. Favorite bands? Paramore, Bon jovi, Green Day, Coldplay, The killers and The fray.

11. Something you miss? The cartoons I used to watch whilst I was a kid.

12. Favorite song? Listen, if I start naming my favourite songs right now, I’ll finish by the year 2066.

13. How old are you? 13. HeeHee, my answer for this question is 13 and the question number is also 13.

14. Zodiac sign? Capricorn. The one with the goat.

15. Quality you look for in a partner? Funniness, if that’s a word. If it isn’t, I just made it a word.

16. Favorite Quote? Why so serious? Let’s put a smile on that face. – The joker.

17. Favorite actor? Johnny Depp

18. Favorite color? Purple, black, green.

19. Loud music or soft? Depends entirely on my mood.

20. Where do you go when you’re sad? Nowhere. I just sit still and look at the bright side of life.

21. How long does it take you to shower? If I’m not washing my hair, then I’ll take about 15 minutes but, if I am washing my hair, I take at least an hour.

22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 1o minutes.

23. Ever been in a physical fight? No.

24. Turn on? I’m not sure how to answer that question.

25. Turn off? Again, I’m not sure how to answer that question.

26. The reason I joined Youtube? I haven’t, actually.

27. Fears? Getting locked/trapped anywhere and not reaching my goals.

28. Last thing that made you cry? A very bad day.

29. Last time you said you loved someone? This morning, to my mom.

30. Meaning behind your YouTube Name? I don’t have a youtube account, in the first place. If I did, however, have one, I would make my username drummergirl_28 because, a) I drum. b) I am a girl and, c) My birthday is on the 28th.

31. Last book you read? Angel fire by L.A.Weatherly.

32. The book you’re currently reading? The fault in our stars by John Green.

33. Last show you watched? The big bang theory.

34. Last person you talked to? My best friend, Drashthi.

35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Best Friend!!!

36. Favorite food? Pizza!!!

37. Place you want to visit? I want to visit the whole world.

38. Last place you were? School.

39. Do you have a crush? If I told you, I’d have to kill you.

40. Last time you kissed someone? I haven’t kissed anyone.

41. Last time you were insulted? I don’t remember.

42. Favorite flavor of sweet? Lemon!!!

43. What instruments do you play? The drums!!!

44. Favorite piece of jewelery? My mockinjay pin and my deathly hallows necklace.

45. Last sport you played? I don’t play any sport. I really should start playing at least one sport, shouldn’t I?

46. Last song you sang? Gurl, I want to be a famous singer, one day. I sing too many songs to remember the last one I sang.

47. Favorite chat up line? I don’t have one.

48. Have you ever used it? Hahaha, I’m a girl. Girls do not use chat up lines. Boys use chat up lines on us.

49. Last time you hung out with anyone? This morning.

50. Who should answer these questions next? Whoever wants to.

Hope you enjoyed!!!